If you find yourself sick these Home Remedies for Colds, Coughs and Flu can help you feel better! These natural remedies are the best for sickness!
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There is nothing worse than waking up and realizing you’re sick. Whether it be a stuffy nose, cough, cold or the flu – no one hates feeling ill.
I’ve rounded up some of my favorite Home Remedies for Colds, Coughs, and Flu to help you hopefully feel better quicker!
All of these natural cold and flu remedies are things I ALWAYS do when I’m not feeling well, and some I even do daily during cold and flu season as preventative care.
As with anything I share, this is simply what works for me and the research I’ve done. I encourage you to do your own research, make your own choices, and possibly speak with your doctor before trying anything. Nothing below is intended to be taken as medical advice.
Elderberry Syrup
What is elderberry syrup?
Elderberry syrup is a syrup made from berries of the elder tree.
Berries are cooked down, typically with a sweetener like honey or maple syrup, into a thick syrup that can be used for a number of things.
What are the benefits of elderberry syrup?
Elderberry syrup can be used for a number of things. It has been shown to significantly reduce cold and flu symptoms (source) and can help to boost your immunity. It also can help to reduce inflammation
What’s the best elderberry syrup to buy?
I found Seattle Elderberry on Instagram last year after a bought with the flu (it sucked). I was super underwhelmed with the elderberry syrup I was getting at the store that was filled with sugar, and searching for one that was naturally sweetened with no weird gums or junk in it. I’ve been taking it daily ever since.
When I’m sick I take a little bit extra to help boost my immunity. It’s a better price than anything you’ll find at the store and also way better quality!
You can use code CLEANEATING to save on your order. Can’t recommend them enough. (Side note: If you want to DIY your elderberry syrup, this recipe looks great!)
Propolis + Honey
I love propolis spray + honey almost as much as I love elderberry syrup when it’s sick season! You might be wondering.. what the heck is propolis?
What is propolis?
Propolis is a natural substance that bees collect to protect their hives from germs.
When taken it can help protect you from the same germs! It’s also loaded with vitamins and minerals. Here’s a link to my favorite propolis spray.
How do you take propolis?
Similar to the elderberry syrup, I take this propolis daily for preventative care during cold and flu season. However, when I’m feeling sick I double up on dosage. I love Bee Keeper’s Naturals Propolis and all of their honey.
The honey is perfect for eating by the spoonful or mixing into tea with lemon and cinnamon when you have a sore throat. You can use code cleaneating10 to save 10% on their products!
Vitamin C
I swear by taking Vitamin C when I’m not feeling well. I take about 500mg every other day as a supplement year round, but if I feel like I’m getting sick or will be in a situation with lots of germs (hello airports/planes) I up it to daily intake of 1000mg.
When I’m actually sick I’ll take 1000mg in the morning and 1000mg at night. (This is a super high dosage of Vitamin C and bordering the maximum limits of what you should be ingesting, fyi)
I think it helps me get better quicker, but obviously, that is just me and you might be different! Everyone’s body is different so please check with your doctor for their recommended dosage.
If you are sick, you need to sleep. Sleep is not ‘working from home’, it’s not sitting on the couch watching Netflix.. it is getting in your bed, turning the lights out, and closing your eyes. (Which is so easy to do if you have the BEST mattress ever!)
Sleep is SO vital to your immune system and body being able to catch up and fight off all the germs you’ve got hanging out in your body.
Sometimes if I know I need to sleep but I’m having a hard time falling asleep I will either drink sleepy time tea, magnesium drink, or take some CBD. I also stay away from screens and try to read so my eyes get tired. Seems silly but it works!
Staying hydrated seems like an obvious thing to do when you’re sick but so many people forget to do it! It’s SUPER important to be hydrated when you’re not feeling well or even leading up to feeling sick.
I stay hydrated every day with my Healthy Human Cruisers, but especially rely on them when I’m not feeling well. I love that their cruisers have a straw (I feel like it makes me drink more!)
Their bottles are also awesome! When I’m not feeling well I’ll drink lots of water (obviously), orange juice, and my favorite Fire Cider Drink.
Fire Cider Drink Recipe
- juice of 1/2 a lemon
- 1 oz fire cider
- 1 teaspoon honey
In a mug, add lemon juice, fire cider + honey. Fill the top of the mug with warm water. Stir + enjoy!
I also love wellness shots. These shots from Temple Turmeric are awesome!
Essential Oils
We use essential oils all the time in our home, but especially when I’m not feeling well. Diffusing peppermint and eucalyptus oil helps me to breathe a little easier if I’m congested.
I’ll also even mix some with a carrier oil and rub it on my chest to help when I’m coughing or having a hard time breathing. I also love Saje’s Peppermint Halo for rubbing on my temples if I’m congested!
It’s great for if you have serious sinus pressure (along with so many other things, I carry this around in my purse!)
Similar to Vitamin C, I take probiotics daily, but when I’m feeling sick – I up my dosage. So much of our immune system lies within our guts!
By feeding your body with good bacteria you can help your immune system boost itself back up!
Hot Shower/Steam
This is something I recently started to do that I love. Hot showers are great, but after a while, I feel like I’m getting too hot and not necessarily getting rid of congestion.
Instead, I’ll do steam. To do steam, I boil a big pot of water.
Once it is at a rolling boil, I remove the pot from the heat and place it on my counter. I place a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil in it, sit next to the pot, and take a huge beach towel and place it over my head/the pot (I know this sounds crazy).
Then I’ll get as close to the pot and take really deep breaths of the steam to help clear out my sinuses. The towel helps keep all the steam in!
Obviously, I’d rather you never got sick and just stayed healthy during cold + flu season. Here are some tips I use to stay healthy during cold and flu season (many are similar to the remedies I mentioned above!)
How to Stay Healthy During Cold + Flu Season:
Sleep – My number one tip for staying healthy is to sleep! Everyone is different and needs different amounts of sleep, but I personally need at least 7 hours.
I make it a priority to turn off my phone and computer and get in bed at a reasonable time to make sure I’d get enough sleep.
While you sleep your muscles recover (and grow!), and your organs repair and heal. If you’re someone who claims you ‘don’t need sleep’ or that ‘sleep is for the weak’- I challenge you to try to go to sleep an hour earlier than you normally do and see how different you feel. I guarantee you will notice a difference!
Hydrate! – I drink 120 oz of water a day. It seems like a lot.. but if you break it up throughout the day, it is easy to accomplish. Water helps keep to maintain your body temperature, remove waste, and lubricate your joints.
If you’re having trouble drinking water – try setting goals throughout the day. I try to drink 12-24 ounces every two-three hours. This keeps me on track for the entire day. I love these Healthy Human bottles. You can use code CLEANEATING15 to save on them! They come in different sizes and it makes it easy to track your water intake!
Eat nutrient dense food- Obviously, you care about what you eat cause you’re here on our site but just a friendly reminder to eat ALL the veggies you possibly can. Your body will thank you!
Reduce your stress – We should always be trying to reduce our stress, especially if we are feeling run down or tired. Stress will only make matters worse! So kick back and relax. Maybe take a bubble bath or indulge in a CBD tea 🙂
Listen to your body– It seems simple enough, but we often try to ‘push through’ or ignore when our body is telling us it needs a break. That used to be me. Now… I just give in to whatever I’m feeling.
If you feel tired, honor that and take a nap! Take a day off from work or skip going out with friends on the weekend. It’s so important to prioritize your health and TBH, no one wants to hang out with you if you’re sick anyway!
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