Eating dairy free doesn’t have to be boring! Try one of these 200+ dairy free recipes! From breakfast to dinner, dessert and more - there are hundreds of dairy free recipes to choose from. You can make pretty much anything dairy free from pasta, to soup, casseroles and more!
From Butternut Squash Soup to Brussels Sprouts Salad to Healthy Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies find the perfect dairy-free recipe that your whole family will love!
You can eat pretty much everything on a dairy free diet. Instead of focusing on what you can’t have, focus on what you can have! Protein like chicken, fish, and beef, eggs, veggies, fruits, and grains are all naturally dairy free!
There are also tons of dairy free substitutes for products like milk, cheese and ice cream.
Are eggs OK on a dairy free diet? Eggs are not a dairy product and are totally fine for dairy-free people to eat.
It is easy to make dairy free substitutions. Here are some that we commonly make:
Milk: You can sub dairy milk with almond milk. Coconut milk also works as a substitute, and is often higher in fat so it’s good for replacing half and half or whole milk. Our favorite brand of non-dairy milk is Elmhurst because it has the least amount of ingredients:
Cheese: Most dairy free cheese aren’t as good as the real thing. We have found Miyokos brand of products the best substitute.
Butter: Butter can be substituted with olive oil or avocado oil. Most dairy free butters are just made from fake ingredients, so we find it’s best to skip them. Some people who are dairy free can tolerate ghee because it is clarified butter.
Yogurt: There are many dairy free yogurt brands out there. Our favorite is Siggis. Check the ingredients because many dairy free yogurts have alot of added sugars, which don’t make them the healthiest snack option.
Ice Cream: There are so many amazing dairy free ice creams out there! Nadamoo and Oatly have the most ‘regular’ ice cream taste in my opinion, but you can’t go wrong with Good Pops, Cado Ice cream, or So Delicious Ice cream either!